Final Fantasy XVI: Unleashing Next-Gen Combat Exclusively on PS5's Insane Memory and Transfer Speeds


  (Source : Square Enix)

Square Enix’s upcoming game, Final Fantasy 16, will be a timed exclusive for the PS5 at launch, and it's not just because of its impressive graphics. The game's combat system relies heavily on the memory and transfer speed of the PS5 system, making it a new-generation-only game. 

In a recent hands-on session, the developers revealed that Final Fantasy 16's boss battles blend seamlessly between player-controlled combat and cinematic cutscenes, with no load screens or fade-to-black moments. This was made possible by the power of the PS5, which loads the next scene in the background while the player is battling Ifrit and Garuda.

According to producer Naoki Yoshida, “If we didn't have the memory that the PlayStation 5 has, and also the transfer speed of the SSD that the PlayStation 5 has, we would still be in development right now.

Combat director Ryoto Suzuki added, “To be able to do all of those seamlessly without any low times is possible because of the power of the PlayStation 5.

Final Fantasy 16's combat system features graphically represented fists, claws, and wings of Eikon abilities, with all the different options available in real-time and in beautiful graphics.

In conclusion, Final Fantasy 16 is a new-generation-only game that utilizes the power of the PS5 to seamlessly blend player-controlled combat and cinematic cutscenes. With its impressive graphics and powerful combat system, Final Fantasy 16 promises to be an exciting addition to the Final Fantasy series.

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